Category: Other Updates

Where there’s Fire there’s Smoke

Backyard Burning in Elphinstone  Backyard burning is permitted over the winter, from October 15 to April 15. Vegetation that originates on your property is the only material that may be burned. Do not burn garbage, construction

ECA Responds to Hydrology Report

I’d like to thank the Elphinstone Community Association and the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association for a well researched, well considered response to the BC Timber Sales draft Hydrology Report on Mount Elphinstone that was released

BCTS Releases Hydrology Report

BC Timber Sales has released the latest Hydrology report on the slopes of Mt. Elphinstone. (Link to Report) Note that this is also available in the March 23, 2023 SCRD COW agenda. (Large PDF.) If

Water Supply is Not a New Issue for Sechelt

At the Inter-Government Water Summit on Jan. 16, 2023, Steven Feschuk reminded us that there is a long history to the Sechelt water supply which far pre-dates all of our local governments. In the late

Finding Your Road Classification

The level of maintenance that your road gets is based on its MOTI (Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure) classification. This most often comes up in winter regarding snow removal. If you have a concern about

BC Ferries Update (Nov. 2022)

On October 27 the Southern Sunshine Coast Ferry Advisory Committee (FAC) held its first public meeting with BC Ferries in over a year. These meetings are supposed to be open to everyone, but it was

Clean BC Roadmap – Rural Areas Need Help

Every once in a while nothing else will do but a stiffly worded letter of protest… Bowinn Ma Minister of State for Infrastructure Dear Minister Ma, I am the Area E representative for the Sunshine

BCTS Operating Plan Feedback

Here’s the feedback I sent to BC Timber Sales re their public consultation on their five year operating plan. Public consultation closed on March 18, 2022. Dear BCTS, I am writing to express my deep

Short Term Rentals: Real action needed for rural areas

I sent the following letter to the Union of BC Municipalities and the Minister of Municipal Affairs on November 24, 2021. Dear UBCM, I am writing to express my disappointment in UBCM’s long awaited report

Come Hell or High Water

This highly recommended episode of CBC’s Fifth Estate analyzes BC’s failure to plan for floods in the Fraser Valley. A similar scenario is playing out with stormwater management, except that responsibility for managing it hasn’t