Results for: logging

Fingers Crossed for DL1313

As of June 2023, and for the first time in almost a decade, the Elphinstone parcel known as District Lot 1313 is NOT slated for logging in BC Timber Sales’ five year operating plan. Read

ECA Responds to Hydrology Report

I’d like to thank the Elphinstone Community Association and the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association for a well researched, well considered response to the BC Timber Sales draft Hydrology Report on Mount Elphinstone that was released

BCTS Releases Hydrology Report

BC Timber Sales has released the latest Hydrology report on the slopes of Mt. Elphinstone. (Link to Report) Note that this is also available in the March 23, 2023 SCRD COW agenda. (Large PDF.) If

BCTS Operating Plan Feedback

Here’s the feedback I sent to BC Timber Sales re their public consultation on their five year operating plan. Public consultation closed on March 18, 2022. Dear BCTS, I am writing to express my deep

Come Hell or High Water

This highly recommended episode of CBC’s Fifth Estate analyzes BC’s failure to plan for floods in the Fraser Valley. A similar scenario is playing out with stormwater management, except that responsibility for managing it hasn’t

All About Elphinstone Aggregates

On April 2, I joined Town of Gibsons councillor David Croal, SCRD Area F director Mark Hiltz, and Area D director Andreas Tize on a visit to Elphinstone Aggregates, led by owner Julian Burtnick. I’d

Reservoirs vs. Aquifers

Following some coverage in the local papers about a manmade reservoir proposal, a few people took me to task for “voting against water.” Hell, no, I am NOT voting against water. But I am voting against a

The Week That Was

Union of BC Municipalities – Sept. 23-27 Two thousand politicians and lobbyists in a giant conference centre makes for a strange petri dish with lots of street theatre, including the logging truck driveby and the

More About Water

Chapman Lake Revisited Lately there’s been a letter writing campaign by people who want the province to reverse its decision and remove Chapman Lake from Tetrahedron Provincial Park. I don’t favour reviving a rancorous public

Stay of Execution for Block 1313

On March 29 the SCRD received a letter from Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources Operations and Rural Development, stating that BC Timber Sales will hold off with the auction of Block 1313,