These numbers are brought to us by the 2021 Canada Census.
Population and Households
Area E Population: 3,883 (up 6.0% from 2016)
Median Age: 50.8 (Canada’s median age is 41.6)
Media Household Income before taxes: $87,000
Number of dwellings: 1,763
Number of dwellings occupied by usual residents: 1,608
Owners: 1,330 Renters: 285
Percentage of home owners with a mortgage: 50.4%
ALR – 15.4% of Area E is within the Agricultural Land Reserve
Number of people who are 3rd generation Canadian or greater: 2,345 or 62% of the population.
(By comparison, only 28% of people living in Metro Vancouver are third generation or greater, and in BC as a whole it’s 45%.)
Employed people: 1,890
Self employed: 550
Working from home: 435
Commuting into Metro Vancouver: 115
2022 Average Residential Property Values
Elphinstone: $887,499
Town of Gibsons: $838,503 *
West Howe Sound: $1,032,812
Roberts Creek: $1,235,785
The tax base in Area E is 97.6% residential.
SCRD Taxation by Area – 2022