Here are some of the local services that are funded and/or provided by the SCRD with examples from this area:
- Regional Water Service (or watch 3 minute water Video)
- Wastewater (neighbourhood septic systems, see below)
- Recycling (via Gibsons Recycling)
Sechelt landfill.
Garbage collection and Sechelt landfill
- Green Waste (Yard Waste) drop off on Henry Road
- Sunshine Coast Transit
- Recreation Facilities (Gibsons Pool and Gibsons Recreation Centre)
- Parks (including Secret Beach, Whispering Firs)
- Playing fields (Maryanne West)
- Playgrounds (Cedar Meadows, Grandview Heights, Sunnyside)
- Trails, bike paths and beach accesses (e.g. Secret Beach, Sunnyside-Chaster connector trail)
- Planning (e.g. issuing building permits)
- Fire service funding (Frank West Fire hall)
- Community Halls (Chaster House, Frank West Hall)
- Cemeteries (Elphinstone Pioneer Cemetery, Seaview Cemetery)
- Bylaw Enforcement
- Dog control
- Regional Economic Development funding
- Emergency program for disaster response
The SCRD operates 17 small sewage treatment systems up and down the coast, two of which are in Elphinstone: Sunnyside (serving 11 properties) and Woodcreek Park, serving 73 properties.
Although we’ve been managing some of them for decades, until recently there was no long term plan, and not enough money was set aside for repairs and replacement. Staff assessed the condition of each wastewater facility in 2019, and they have been working on capital plans for each facility since then. Each facility is quite different, so there is no “one size fits all” plan.