Due to many factors, including a provincial election, restructuring of FLNRORD (the ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources Operation and Rural Development), a federal election, and Covid, there hasn’t been a lot of progress in the last two years on attempts to protect Reed Road Forest, aka District Lot 1313. But it looks like things are on the move now.
The Reed Road Forest Working Group of the Elphinstone Community Association (ECA) met with MLA Nicholas Simons on October 1 to discuss next steps in protecting the forest. Also in attendance was Lori Pratt, SCRD Chair, and Bill Beamish, Mayor of Gibsons.
The Town of Gibsons recently wrote to FLNRORD requesting that a number of cutblocks on Mount Elphinstone (including DL1313) be removed from the BCTS operating plans on the grounds that they are a risk to our crucial Elphinstone/Gibsons/Granthams aquifer.
Mayor Beamish has invited stakeholders to a meeting with FLNRORD on November 3, 2021 to discuss the future of Mt. Elphinstone and protection of our watershed. Stakeholders include the Squamish Nation, local industry, local government, and community organizations.
As we catapult from a drought emergency into torrential downpours, I have my fingers crossed that we may make some actual progress on protecting our increasingly vulnerable watershed.