Clean BC Roadmap – Rural Areas Need Help
Every once in a while nothing else will do but a stiffly worded letter of protest… Bowinn Ma Minister of State for Infrastructure Dear Minister Ma, I am the Area E representative for the Sunshine …
So, why not just Stop Growth?
This Post was originally published in May, 2019 People ask me all the time—why are we continuing new development on the Sunshine Coast when we don’t have enough water? I asked that question at the …
Rural Subdivisions
On March 30, 2022, Jeffrey Moore, the Provincial Approving Officer for the Lower Mainland District of MOTI (Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure) gave us a presentation explain how rural subdivision approvals are done. A big …
About the Housing Crisis
Housing has become a critical issue on the coast, and local governments are under increasing pressure to Do Something. The trouble is, do what? I don’t have the answer, but I can certainly describe the …
Stormwater Motion
On March 10, 2022 I made a motion which was passed by the SCRD board. This is far from being a solution to our problems, but it’s one of the steps that’s required to tackle …
BCTS Operating Plan Feedback
Here’s the feedback I sent to BC Timber Sales re their public consultation on their five year operating plan. Public consultation closed on March 18, 2022. Dear BCTS, I am writing to express my deep …
Short Term Rentals: Real action needed for rural areas
I sent the following letter to the Union of BC Municipalities and the Minister of Municipal Affairs on November 24, 2021. Dear UBCM, I am writing to express my disappointment in UBCM’s long awaited report …
Come Hell or High Water
This highly recommended episode of CBC’s Fifth Estate analyzes BC’s failure to plan for floods in the Fraser Valley. A similar scenario is playing out with stormwater management, except that responsibility for managing it hasn’t …
Emergency on the Sunshine Coast
Crews Fight to Keep Services Running Overnight on November 14 another “atmospheric river” hit the Sunshine Coast (the second in a month) with a nasty combination of torrential rains followed by high winds. On the …
Reed Road Forest Update
Due to many factors, including a provincial election, restructuring of FLNRORD (the ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources Operation and Rural Development), a federal election, and Covid, there hasn’t been a lot of progress in …